The unknown dissolved only in concentrated sulfuric acid. 1348 Typical of a neutral compound containing oxygen. Solvent is deuterochloroform. ӹɼټ־ ˈ` 1r -":" # 132023303334383941424344454648495154 Indicated are 4 Ar H's (1,4-disubstituted benzene ?) and a methyl (ratio ODD). The pair of peaks at 154/156 are the molecular ions. o|_YKM+Gq>2<3/3-L+% # Peaks at 154/156,139/141 & 111/113 indicate 1 Cl (characteristic isotope peaks). Lambda max. nm (log absorbance): 249 (4.2), 272 (3.0), 284 (2.7). In cyclohexane # The unknown is conjugated (probably aromatic). Chlorine was found. 21253135394142434948 Nitrogen, sulfur and other halogens are absent. The compound burnt with a smoky flame leaving no residue. # This indicates an aromatic or unsaturated compound which is not a metal salt. 12-20 degrees. # The compound will solidify in winter. Thin Film. ########"###########"""########$$%%%%%%%%%&&&&%&%%%%%%%%%%%%7),-(&%$$$$$$%%%%&&&&'(*+-/477962105<1./-**,,(&&&&&&&$%#$$$$###############$%&''&%$##""""""""##########$#%$########"##############%&%###$$$$$%&&')*,,,)()((('&%$%%%%%%%&&&&(()*))))*+++,.026;DV ƬuVFBA>978=BISzfI>7/.,,,,---,.3b\;54347:EOhnh_\`tmWJTshL?5-./8CS\ow|ɝtfXD:.,*)*+/HUG8.)))**,.49Xvx[LIB<877633PmhG7015;I]{_C6-)(&$####$$%&(*.8Ib~U7.,)'&(2t];)%&&&&,2" "!##"! !!&2IO2*+0>cH.'$$##'*4]lD3-,-/4DUZLABGJINTTTYX^ 132023303334383941424344454648495154 The compound is aromatic and has a carbonyl group. 232 to 236 degrees. # As expected for a liquid. Optically inactive. # The compound is not chiral. 1.192 # A bit more dense than a typical organic compound. 1.5551 # A typical value. # # # # # # Solvent is deuterochloroform. 6s4s4sdd:Jq # Visible are C=O (ketone?), 4 Ar C's (2 H's), methyl. Some symmetry is implied. # # # # # # # # # A dense yellow coloured precipitate was formed. # The compound is an aldehyde or ketone. No positive result was obtained. 3344454651 The unknown contains no active hydrogens, ie no OH, NH. # # # No observable change. # Aldehyde functionality is absent. # # # No reaction was seen. 14 The compound is not an ester. # # # # # # A yellow precipitate was formed. # The unknown contains a methyl ketone group. No visible change. # The unknown is not an aldehyde. No reaction was seen. # The compound is not an aldehyde. No positive result. 3344454651 The compound is not an alcohol, phenol, or primary or secondary amine. # # # No reaction was observed. # The unknown is not unsaturated nor is it easily oxidised. # # # No colour change was observed. 23 This compound is not a sugar. # # # No reaction could be seen. # This unknown is not unsaturated nor is it a phenol. No positive reaction was observed. # The compound is not an ether. No change was noticed. # This unknown compound is not phenolic. # # # No precipitate was formed even on heating. # The halogen is strongly bonded eg to an aromatic ring. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # A solution was formed. # Typical reaction for an aromatic compound. # # # # # # No change could be seen. # The compound is not an aldehyde. # # # No reaction could be seen. # The compound does not undergo addition or substitution reactions with bromine. No reaction took place. # Absent are groups like amides, nitriles, esters, acetals, ketals etc. No positive result. 3344454651 The compound is not an alcohol or amine (prim. or sec,). # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # colourless liquid 01050919 0 8385939697 Solid m.p. 238-239 degrees. Solid m.p. 201-204 degrees. Crystals with m.p. 112-115 degrees. Yellow solid m.p. 228-231 degrees. Solid m.p. range 94-96 degrees. 4 r`k_ r`k_ o^bh hoin chlorine-containing ketone 3 o-chloroacetophenone m-chloroacetophenone p-chloroacetophenone